Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Videos Videos Videos

Last I wrote about was mash-ups and now recently I have been coming across interesting  websites which are some what of a mashups but mainly video based like http://www.videosift.com which is on the same philosophy of digg, you can submit video streams from YouTube vids and Google Video and users vote on the videos.  Another interesting site is Google Idol, is based on the popular American Idol sans Simon Cowell but in this competition do don’t have to sing just lip-synch like a pro and submit your video to Google Video and voila you can submit your video to Google Idol to be the next Gidol and yes as in American Idol people vote, so what are you waiting for put your bathroom singing to some good use, record a small video and be the next Gidol. The first Gidols, Pomme and Kelly, received a whopping 50,795 votes in the webcam category shutting out their competition, The Back Dormitory Boys, with a meager 15,159 votes.